Trench Warfare: The Exploits of The Royal Newfoundland Regiment in The Trenches of Gallipoli, France, and Flanders - James G. Lynch

Part Number:83284
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In Trench Warfare: The Exploits of The Royal Newfoundland Regiment in The Trenches of Gallipoli, France, and Flanders, author Jim Lynch will take the reader through the early history of the Regiment in order to set the stage for the compelling and often fatal foray through the World War One water-soaked and rat-infested trenches of Gallipoli, France and Flanders.

Major Lynch will utilize his regimental knowledge to present his perspective on the daunting challenges that faced the young and gallant "Sons of Terra Nova" as they earned the much-deserved distinction of being "Better than the Best."

Jim will share with the reader personal letters written by young soldiers as they write home about the horrific events they would personally experience "in a butcher shop from hell."

Excerpt of foreword by Gary Browne, author of: Soldier Priest in The Killing Fields of Europe: Padre Thomas Nangle; Fallen Boy Soldiers: Royal Newfoundland Regiment World War One.