From impoverished beginnings in Lewisporte, Newfoundland where he had been born into a dysfunctional family, Noel moved to Toronto, Ontario in his early twenties. There he was to achieve the respectability and moderate financial independence to which he had always aspired, though perhaps not at the level others who were aware of his talents may have expected. Because of his rough background from which he sought to free himself, his focus was always on his own family, their happiness, well-being, and stability. In this respect, he regards himself as a total success, being immensely proud of his son, daughter and their families and their achievement.<br><br>"Noel Martin has succeeded in achieving one of the goals of memoir; he reveals a way of life and experiences that are unique, significant and intriguing, while a the same time evoking a sense of camaraderie and fellow feeling in the reader. A charming, thoughtful and very readable tale." - Terry Burns, Author of the quality of light and Twelve Days: A Bestiary